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Welcome to the Embedded Computing Laboratory (ECL) website!

Itaguazu Beach, Florianópolis (photo credit: José Luís Güntzel)

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About us

The Embedded Computing Lab (ECL) is one of the research laboratories of the Technology Center (CTC – Centro Tecnológico) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina).

Its team is composed of professors, mostly from the Department of Informatics and Statistics (INE), PhD, Master’s and undergraduate students from the fields of Computer Science, Electronic Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The research activities carried out are guided by the technological trends of implementation of high complexity integrated computer systems (SOCs – systems-on-chip), both in terms of hardware design and development of embedded applications on chip.

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Mission Statement

ECL’s primary mission is scientific research into new artifacts and new computing and hardware design techniques aimed at the requirements of Embedded Computing on Chip.

Research Areas

Algorithms and Architectures for Image and Video Processing

Video compression is of extreme importance for the usage of digital videos. At ECL, we develop hardware solutions such as the Fractional Motion Estimation, one of the most expensive steps in video coding, reducing significantly the energy consumption. We also combine traditional methods with Artificial Inteligence to improve the coding efficiency.

Digital Integrated Circuits Design

Integrated Circuits (ICs) or "chips" are present in all electronic devices today. At ECL, we have developed a digital design flow for ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) starting from the RTL description until the generation of the GDSII, a file containing the information for manufacturing the chip. We work with different technological nodes, as well as open source and private PDKs from various foundries around the world.

Algorithms and Techniques for Electronic Design Automation

For VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) projects, computational tools that automate the design flow of integrated circuits are needed. At ECL, we work with algorithms and techniques for chip design automation (EDA - Electronic Design Automation), investigating the integration of tools for approximate synthesis with traditional flows and enabling the reduction of energy consumption in various applications.

Algoritmos e Arquiteturas para Processamento de Imagem e Vídeo Digital com Foco em Aplicações de Compressão

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Algoritmos e Arquiteturas para Aprendizado de Máquina com Baixo Custo Computacional

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Algoritmos e Técnicas para a Automação do Projeto de Chips

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Circuitos e Sistemas Tolerantes a Falhas

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Avaliação da Robustez de Circuitos CMOS com FinFET

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Error-tolerant Circuits and Systems

With the miniaturization of transistors, more and more particles are capable of interacting and interfering with the operation of electronic devices. At ECL, we develop techniques to study and mitigate the effects of the interaction of electrical particles in different types of circuits, in different technological nodes.

Multicore Testing

General-purpose processors have complex protocols for working with memory accesses, and these protocols need to be validated. ECL has developed a framework for verification: AI algorithms direct the tests by generating parameters to create parallel programs, which are simulated, checked and which generate analysis information for new tests.



Open-Source Library for Physical Design Research and Teaching

Ophidian is an open source library that aims to facilitate the teaching and research of algorithms and techniques for the automation of EDA (Electronic Design Automation) chip design, especially in the physical design stages (placement, routing, legalization, clock-tree synthesis etc). It offers an open source code of an basic infrastructure composed of efficient data structures, input and output routines for the main industrial formats and implementations of several classical algorithms.


Theseus is an Open Source project of a video encoding system. The goal of this project is to generate a modular and clear software architecture for educational and research purposes.


Open-Source Library for Physical Design Research and Teaching

Ophidian is an open source library that aims to facilitate the teaching and research of algorithms and techniques for the automation of EDA (Electronic Design Automation) chip design, especially in the physical design stages (placement, routing, legalization, clock-tree synthesis etc). It offers an open source code of an basic infrastructure composed of efficient data structures, input and output routines for the main industrial formats and implementations of several classical algorithms.


Theseus is an Open Source project of a video encoding system. The goal of this project is to generate a modular and clear software architecture for educational and research purposes.




PhD Students

Master's Students

Nícolas Pfeifer

Vanio Rodrigues Filho

Undergraduate Students

Bolsistas de IC, Alunos de TCC e Voluntários


Contact Us


University Campus, s/n, Trindade district
Technology Center (CTC)
INE Building, room 417
P.O. Box 476 / CEP 88040-900
Florianópolis / SC



University Campus, s/n, Trindade district
Technology Center (CTC)
INE Building, room 417
P.O. Box 476 / CEP 88040-900
Florianópolis / SC
