Electronic Design Automation School

EDAS 2020 (Virtual)

December 7 – 11, 2020

The first IEEE CASS/CEDA Seasonal School on Electronic Design Automation (EDAS2020) is an event dedicated to students and researchers in Brazil and South America.

The EDAS aims to offer students a group of talks on key topics of electronic design automation for integrated circuits (IC) in modern and upcoming technologies, including current and future challenges faced by the industry and academia for implementing complex circuits and systems.

The goal is to promote discussions on hot topics and cover fundamental algorithms, computational methods, and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in the area so that the attendees could leverage their comprehension and capabilities while attracting new students and researchers to the right problems.

Our Goals Are…

To bring together the local community, fostering local interactions and stimulating cooperation among students, researchers, and professionals in the region;

To bring the local community closer to leading researchers and professionals in their field of knowledge;

To stimulate students to learn, research, and eventually follow a career in the field of EDA

To bring together the local community, fostering local interactions and stimulating cooperation among students, researchers, and professionals in the region;

To bring the local community closer to leading researchers and professionals in their field of knowledge;

To stimulate students to learn, research, and eventually follow a career in the field of EDA

To stimulate students to learn, research, and eventually follow a career in the field of EDA

To bring together the local community, fostering local interactions and stimulating cooperation among students, researchers, and professionals in the region;

To bring the local community closer to leading researchers and professionals in their field of knowledge;

Registration Fees


IEEE CASS Members (both students and professionals): free of charge

Non-CASS Member Students: R$ 55.00

Non-CASS Member Professionals:  R$ 165.00 

Complimentary Registration for Students: based on availability, this registration category allows the student to attend this course for free. However, this registration will not include a course certificate and will not allow the student to compete for gifts and prizes distributed during EDAS. Apply here! (in Portuguese) https://forms.gle/8Y2eHySdVDfk5haS7

CASS Gift:

Based on availability, IEEE-student Members with up to date 2021 membership will earn the CASS annuity as a gift (by reimbursement).

Register online now!


The School Program will include 22 courses. A daily panel is also planned to discuss specific aspects of each course. The materials used in the school will be published as e-books in the CASS Resource Center, which can be freely downloaded by CASS members.

Monday 7/12

Ricardo Reis
Jose Luis Guntzel

10:30 Course 1: Introduction to EDA

Ricardo Reis and José Luis Güntzel

Mateus Fogaça

14:00 Course 2: Introduction to the Modern Design Flow

Mateus Fogaça

jody_s-180x180 - Jody Matos
Augusto Neutzling

15:30 Course 3: Logic Synthesis

Augusto Neutzling Silva and Jody Matos


17:00 Posters Session

A Decision Tree Flow to Boolean Logic Optimization. Authors: Isac Campos, Augusto Berndt, Mateus Grellert and Cristina Meinhardt
A two-level approximated logic synthesis method Authors: Gabriel Ammes, Walter Lau, Paulo Butzen, Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon and Renato Ribas
Cartesian Genetic Programming for Logic Optimization Authors: Augusto Berndt, Brunno Abreu, Isac Campos, Jonata Carvalho, Mateus Grellert and Cristina Meinhardt

Vinicius Callegaro

17:30 Course 4: Challenges on Logic Synthesis and Modern solutions on Logic Synthesis – Part 1

Vinicius Callegaro, Mentor Graphics

Vinicius Possani

18:00 Course 5: Challenges on Logic Synthesis and Modern solutions on Logic Synthesis – Part 2

Vinicius Possani, Synopsys Inc.


19:00 Daily Panel:

from Brazil to the world

Tuesday 8/12

Paulo Butzen

10:30 Course 1: Global Placement

Paulo Butzen (UFRGS)

Jucemar Monteiro

14:00 Placement Legalization

Jucemar Luis Monteiro

Sheiny Fabre Almeida
Cristina Meinhardt

15:30 Course 3: Detailed Placement

Sheiny Fabre (UFSC) and Cristina Meinhardt (UFSC)


17:00 Posters Session

Algorithm Selection for Legalization Using CNNs. Authors: Renan Netto, José Luis Güntzel and Laleh Behjat
Incremental Multirow Legalization Method. Authors: Jorge Ferreira, Paulo Butzen and Ricardo Reis
Routability-Driven Detailed Placement Using Reinforcement Learning  Authors: Sheiny Almeida, José Luís Güntzel, Laleh Behjat and Cristina Meinhardt

Guilherme Flach

17:30 Course 4: Physically-aware synthesis

Guilherme Flach (Synopsys Inc.)


19:00 Daily Panel:

EDA Contests

Wednesday 9/12


10:30 Course 1: Clock Synthesis

Gustavo Wilke (Synopsys Inc.)

Renato Hentschke

14:00 Course 2: Global Routing

Renato Hentschke (Synopsys Inc.)

Gracieli Posser

15:30 Course 3: Detailed Routing

Gracieli Posser


17:00 Posters Session

FastRoute: Adapting Academic Code for Use in the Design of Production ICs. Authors: Eder Monteiro and Ricardo Reis

Contributions to OpenROAD from Abroad: Experiences and Learnings. Authors: Mateus Fogaça, Eder Monteiro, Marcelo Danigno, Isadora Oliveira, Paulo Butzen and Ricardo Reis

Routing with Cell Replacement. Authors: Tiago Fontana, Laleh Behjat and José Luís Güntzel

Tiago Fontana
Jose Luis Guntzel

17:30 Course 4: Routing with Cell Movement

Tiago Fontana (UFSC) and José Luis Güntzel (UFSC)


19:00 Industry Panel: Challenges and Opportunities in Next Generation EDA Tools

Thursday 10/12

Vinicius Livramento

10:30 Course 1: Timing Optimization

Vinicius Livramento

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-10 at 11.52.54

14:00 Course 2: Gate Sizing

Marcelo Johann (UFRGS)


15:30 Posters Session

Automatic Layout Synthesis of Transistors Networks for FDSOI Authors: Elias de Almeida Ramos, Vitor Hugo F. Maciel, Germano Girondi and Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis
Exploring Tree-Based Inference Engines for Low-Power Learning Applications Authors: Brunno Abreu, Mateus Grellert and Sergio Bampi
Design of Steel: A RISC-V Core Authors: Rafael de Oliveira Calçada and Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis

Ricardo Reis

16:00 Course 3: Visualization Tools

Ricardo Reis (UFRGS)

José Rodrigo F. Azambuja
Jose Luis Guntzel

17:00 Session break: The benefits of IEEE/CASS-CEDA membership

José Rodrigo Azambuja (UFRGS/CASS) and José Luiz Güntzel (UFSC/CEDA)

Ricardo Reis

17:30 Course 4: Automatic Cell Generation 

Ricardo Reis (UFRGS)

Friday 11/12

Calebe Conceição

10:30 Course 1: Synthesis of Quantum Circuits 

Calebe Micael de Oliveira Conceição (IFSul)

Omar Paranaiba
Jose Nacif

14:00 Course 2: Synthesis of NML Circuits

Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto (UFMG) and José Augusto Nacif (UFV)


15:30 Session Break: The benefits of being active on the IEEE Student Branch &Poster Awards

Alexandra L. Zimpeck (UCPel)

Carolina Metzler
Ricardo Reis

16:00 Course 3: Synthesis of 3D Circuits

Carolina Metzler and Ricardo Reis (UFRGS)

Renan Oliveira Netto
Mateus Grellert

17:30 Course 4: Machine Learning application on EDA

Renan Oliveira Netto (UFSC) and Mateus Grellert (UFSC)


19:00 Closing Remarks/Social Event

Everyday from Tuesday to Friday

9:30 – 10:30 Hands-on Tutorial: Open Source EDA tools

Eder Matheus Rodrigues Monteiro

9:30 – 10:30 Hands-on Tutorial: Open Source EDA tools

Eder Matheus Rodrigues Monteiro

Poster Submission


Posters must be electronically submitted using an A4 portrait layout (WxH = 21cm x  29.7 cm) in PDF format along with a recorded presentation on YouTube (the language is your choice).

The presentation should consist of no more than five slides and the YouTube video must be no more than three minutes-long.

Submit the link to your recorded presentation in the abstract field of the submission system.

Accepted posters will be exhibited in the school website and the videos will be reproduced in virtual poster sessions. The organization committee will award the four best posters with prizes. A fifth best poster, chosen by popular vote, will also receive a prize.

A4 Poster Template: PowerPoint PDF

Click here to submit on EasyChair!

Touch to submit on EasyChair!


Logic and physically-aware synthesis,
Floorplaning, placement and routing
Clock tree synthesis and power distribution
Machine learning for CAD
Design for manufacturability
Timing analysis and optimization
CAD for 3D circuits


New Poster and video submission deadline: November 20th
Acceptance notification: November 27th
Final submission: November 30th


General Chair: José Luis Güntzel, UFSC

Program Chairs:

       Cristina Meinhardt, UFSC

       Ricardo Reis, UFRGS

       Mateus Grellert, UFSC


Poster Session Chairs:

       Augusto Neutzling Silva, Cadence

       Mateus Fogaça, Cadence

Streaming Chair: Raphael Brum, UFRGS

IEEE CASS Liaison: José Rodrigo Azambuja, UFRGS

Organized by

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Sponsored by

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Silver Sponsors


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Any questions? Contact us!